July Mid Month Wrap up

Its that time of again where I do a mid month wrap of what i read so far in July, 

Books read

Currently reading

Page read


Last favorite


Goodreads Goal 2020: 52
Books reads :234 
Total pages read for July :14
Total pages for the year :4,310
Biggest book read : 1152 pages - still reading it

DNF : 
✴ : 1
✴✴: 0
Kindle :4
Physical ( paperback & hardback) 2
NetGalley :8
Rereads:( includes both Kindle and physical) 3
Big books as of right now 1 since I'm still reading my biggest book
 Book someone picked for me :1
Authors read before; 4
New to me author's:11 ( include NetGalley and Kindle)
Books Delete off Kindle 2  ( includes NetGalley & library books)
Buddy reads: 2
New series started : 5
Currently reading