The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit - Margery Williams, William  Nicholson

Book : The Velveteen Rabbit
Author: Margery Williams Bianco
genre: Children's literature 
pages :38
Date read: 1/1/19
Rating: 4 stars
Book synopsis:
Nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the Skin Horse understand all about it.

Like the Skin Horse, Margery Williams understood how toys--and people--become real through the wisdom and experience of love. This reissue of a favorite classic, with the original story and illustrations as they first appeared in 1922, will work its magic for all who read it

My thoughts
Please don't kill me if this is your favorite kid's book, 
For some unknown reason I never picked this book up as a kid i was more in to books like Wind In the Willow , Raggedy Ann, and so on . So here is my thoughts
Is it a new all time favorite or even a favorite : no
Will I ever read it again: yes 
Will I buy a physical copy : No i'll just keep the kindle on
Has it become one of my go to books : no 
Am I glad I finally picked it up after having it on my kindle for 2 years :yes
Basically is just a book I'll pick up every once in a while , and even though this is my first time reading it I can see why its a lot of people's favorite book.